Sunday, 6 March 2016

How to live when you have a skin disease

How to live when you have a skin disease

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the body’s healthy cells and tissues. Because of this, the patient becomes prone to diseases which may be anything as simple as cough or colds to the complicated ones such as heart and kidney disorders. A lupus rash is one of the indicators that a person may have lupus, along with many other symptoms such as photosensitivity, swelling or inflammation around the eyes and muscle pain. Though there is no specific treatment or medication to treat lupus, medical professionals have given prescriptions to patients with lupus to relieve them of the symptoms and pain. I wrote an article on how to diagnose lupus, be sure to read it!
How does a patient with lupus live everyday with such a disease? First, it is important to know that lupus is not a contagious disease, so it is perfectly fine to sit next to someone with lupus, and it is equally alright to work with a lupus patient. Because there is no particular cure for lupus yet, patients are required to take good care of themselves while living with the disease. Managing the disease can make them live a normal life as long as they discipline themselves and take the advices of the doctors to heart. To be able to live a healthy life despite being sick with lupus, a patient must do the following;
  • Quit smoking.
If you are a lupus patient, and you have had vices such as smoking, quit as soon as possible. Aside from lupus rash, a patient may have difficulty breathing and would eventually develop pleuritis, a type of lung disease. If you want to save your lungs, quit smoking.
  • Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet
Since lupus attacks mainly the immune system, a lupus patient is advised to eat right to keep himself healthy and free from any disease as much as possible. A well-balanced diet can help the patient avoid foods that could trigger symptoms such as lupus rash and chest pain.
  • Avoid fatigue and stress.
A lupus patient can do things he normally does before he got afflicted with the disease. So take that early morning walk regularly, spend time with family, take a vacation once in a while or go out on Saturday nights with friends. It is important to keep your life balanced even if you are battling with a disease.
  • Protect the skin.
A lupus rash will get worse with direct exposure to sunlight, and having lupus makes the patient sensitive to sunlight as well. This is why it is necessary to put on sunscreen protection to shield the skin from the sun’s intense heat.
  • Be aware of weather changes.
Changes in the weather can trigger symptoms to flare up. A lupus rash may break out during extremely hot days. Pain in the joints may be felt during cold weather. Knowing the changes in the weather can prepare a lupus patient in taking necessary precautionary measures to avoid lupus flare ups.
  • Educate oneself about lupus.
A very good way to combat any disease is to educate oneself about it. By that, it is not just limited to knowing the symptoms and treatments. Meet with other lupus patients, help one another, maybe even create a group that would be dedicated to educating the public about lupus and helping other lupus patients.
  • Choose a healthy lifestyle.
This is a very important reminder for everyone, with lupus patients even more so. Change bad habits to good ones. Sleep early, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, cut off on sodas, exercise regularly and more importantly, have a positive outlook. It has always been said that optimism brings good effects not only to the mind but also to the body.
Living with lupus is a challenge. A patient with lupus must remember to take these simple tips and start making changes in their lifestyle if they have not started yet. Lupus can be managed, if the patient is disciplined and determined to keep himself together despite of having the disease. Be in constant contact with the doctor, take the prescriptions to heart and more importantly, choose to be strong and healthy in mind and body.


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